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姓        名:吴文成



  现任我所土壤与农村生态环境研究团队主任,硕士研究生导师。中国环境科学学会生态环境修复专业委员会委员兼副秘书长,全国在产企业污染防控指导帮扶专家,“十四五”国家土壤污染防治先行区技术指导专家。主要研究方向为土壤污染物环境行为、效应与修复技术。承担了多项欧冠直播入口项目、国家土壤污染防治专项和省市科技计划等科研项目,以及百余项土壤环境管理、场地环境调查、风险评估、修复工程、效果评估等成果转化项目。在Water Research等期刊发表论文50余篇,授权发明专利10余项;10多项技术成果得到欧冠直播入口采纳;获广东省人民政府表彰和欧冠直播入口记功,被授予广东省五一劳动奖章、广东省生态环境保护先进工作者、全国企业用地土壤详查表现突出个人、全国农用地土壤详查成果表现突出个人等称号,入选国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才。


  1 欧冠直播入口项目(2019YFC1803900):“污染场地安全利用保障与监管技术体系集成及成套化工程应用示范”,2020.01 -2023.12,课题负责人;

  2 欧冠直播入口项目(2017YFD0801300):“珠三角农田镉砷和氮磷面源污染防控技术模式成套化工程示范与推广”子课题,2017.07 -2021.06,子课题负责人;

  3 欧冠直播入口部门预算项目:“农用地土壤环境质量预警机制研究”,2016.06-2023,项目负责人;

  4 广州市科技创新发展专项资金项目:“生物炭对农田土壤镉砷的吸附固持机理及生物有效性调控研究”,2020.04 -2023.03,项目负责人;

  6 “佛山市村级工业园、城市更新项目土壤污染调查示范”,2020.10 -2021.12,项目负责人;

  7“清远市耕地土壤重金属污染成因排查与分析项目”,2022.11 -2024.6,项目负责人。


  1. Yingxin Wu, Jiahui Wu, Zhuohao Wu, Jingyan Zhou, Lingli Zhou, Yang Lu, Xiaowen Liu, Wencheng Wu*. 2021. Groundwater contaminated with short-chain chlorinated paraffins and microbial responses, Water Research, 204: 117605.

  2.Quanyun Ye, Qingmei Song, Jingyan Zhou, Yingxin Wu*, Yue Zhou, Jie Zhang, Wencheng Wu*. 2023. Behavior and fate of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in different oxidation reactions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 464: 142557.

  3. Yingxin Wu, Jingyan Zhou, Zhuohao Wu, Quanyun Ye?, Wencheng Wu?, Xiaowen Liu, Dechun He, Guifang Lv, Jie Zhang. 2023. Electron transfer process in dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by nickel/zero-valent iron: Effects of temperature and selectivity pattern, Chemical Engineering Journal, 470: 144053.

  4. Yingxin Wu, Qingmei Song, Jiahui Wu, Jingyan Zhou, Lingli Zhou, Wencheng Wu*. 2021. Field study on the soil bacterial associations to combined contamination with heavy metals and organic contaminants, Science of The Total Environment: 146282.

  5. Jiahui Wu, Qingmei Song, Yingxin Wu*, Junjun Liu, Zhuohao Wu, Jingyan Zhou, Yuntao Wang, Wencheng Wu*. 2023.Application of phosphorus amendments reduces metal uptake and increases yield of Oryza saliva L. (rice) in Cd/Cu-contaminated paddy field, Chemosphere 318:137875.

  6. Jiahui Wu, Qingmei Song, Jingyan Zhou, Yingxin Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Junjun Liu, Lingli Zhou, Zhuohao Wu, Wencheng Wu*. 2021. Cadmium threshold for acidic and multi-metal contaminated soil according to Oryza sativa L. Cadmium accumulation: Influential factors and prediction model, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208: 111420.

  7. Yingxin Wu, Jiahui Wu, Haijian Tan, Qingmei Song, Jie Zhang, Xi Zhong, Jingyan Zhou, Wencheng Wu*, Xinde Cai, Weihua Zhang, Xiaowen Liu. 2020. Distributions of chlorinated paraffins and the effects on soil microbial community structure in a production plant brownfield site, Environmental Pollution, 262: 114328.

  8. Huilin Lu, Yingxin Wu, Puxing Liang, Qingmei Song, Huixi Zhang, Jiahui Wu, Wencheng Wu*, Xiaowen Liu, Changxun Dong. 2020. Alkaline amendments improve the health of soils degraded by metal contamination and acidification: Crop performance and soil bacterial community responses, Chemosphere, 257: 127309.

  9. Wencheng Wu, Yingxin Wu, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Xianbin Chen, Xinde Cai, Shixiao Yu. 2018. Regional risk assessment of trace elements in farmland soils associated with improper e-waste recycling activities in Southern China, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 192: 112-19.

  10. Wencheng Wu, Changxun Dong, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Yingxin Wu, Xianbin Chen, and Shixiao Yu. 2017. Ecological effects of soil properties and metal concentrations on the composition and diversity of microbial communities associated with land use patterns in an electronic waste recycling region, Science of The Total Environment, 601-602: 57-65.

  11. Wencheng Wu, Jiahui Wu, Xiaowen Liu, Xianbin Chen, Yingxin Wu, and Shixiao Yu. 2017. Inorganic phosphorus fertilizer ameliorates maize growth by reducing metal uptake, improving soil enzyme activity and microbial community structure, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 143: 322-29.

  12.谭海剑, 黄祖照, 宋清梅, 陈敏毅, 吴文成*.粤港澳大湾区典型城市遗留地块土壤污染特征研究, 环境科学研究, 2021.34: 976-86.

  13.宋清梅,蔡信德,吴颖欣,吴嘉慧,陈显斌,吴文成*.香根草对污染土壤水溶态重金属组分胁迫响应研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2019, 38(12):2715-2722.

  14.吴文成, 宋清梅, 刘谞承, 吴嘉慧, 蔡信德. 电子废物拆解区典型用地土壤重金属分布特征. 中国环境科学,2018(7):2632-2638.









